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A story- Alfred Deakin Prayers No 3

He was a man who thought deeply on many different topics. Deakin was the type of man who could engage you on just about any topic. This little story gives you a glimpse of what he was like.

"Deakin was one of the friendliest of men, kindly, humorous, the liveliest companion in any company, as well as being uncommonly sagacious in council. His oldest friends have never tired of instancing his readiness to aid. One of them recalls that, changing his residence he had to remove a library. Deakin insisted on giving him a hand. So, early one Sunday morning, they packed the books upon a truck and the pair pushed it from one Melbourne suburb to another, arguing as they went like Milton's rebel angels about fixed fate, free will, fore knowledge absolute and whatever other subject cropped up” The Adelaide Advertiser Saturday Edition - 29th July 1939. page 22

His Prayer on 6th Dec 1885

"Merciful Father when I cry for Light, for Faith, for a hand to guide me to my work I seek but to work in Thy Will and for Thee strong in the certainty that thus I best work for Humanity...."

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