Vision of Heaven Alfred Deakin Prayer No 6

Some New Age followers use this next experience that Deakin had, to say that he had a out of body experience. As a Christian I would prefer to explain it in this way.
Deakin had a Vision of Heaven.
In fact his experience is entirely consistent with the bible. In the last book of the bible Revelation Chap 22:2 and in Ezekiel 47:12 it talks about leaves from heaven being for the healing of the nations.
You will see below this is exactly what Deakin saw.
"Was I waking or dreaming when just at the seaside at the close of the year, and in the early dawn, it seemed as if I had died. Or my spirit had been free and soared up somewhere in the illimitable, where there was a sense, without sight, of myriads of spiritual beings, bright and free, lofty and rejoicing, and beyond them an intense, white radiance, spreading down billions of leaves from the Lord and soul of all, beheld only as a heaven of unquenchable living light, into which, or before which, I floated like a dark atom of earthy substance into the infinite blaze of divine glory." Alfred Deakin 1894